We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our self-consumption Photovoltaic Power Plant implementation project within IPEC SA in collaboration with Innovation Norway.
Through this project, a photovoltaic system with an installed power of 1MW consisting of 2174 panels was installed, with the help of which we will produce 1041 MWh annually and reduce CO2 emissions by 319 tons/year.
The total value of the project was 1,163,325 euros, of which 523,496 euros represent Norwegian grants and 639,829 euros own contribution.
We are proud to be able to say that we managed to implement the project in a shorter time than it was predicted, and for that we thank the partners involved in the project.
This project was an important step in our commitment to protect the environment and reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
We will continue our projects aimed at sustainability and energy independence, namely the construction of microhydropower plants and the doubling of the number of photovoltaic panels.
In the medium and long term, we aim to replace fossil fuels with fuels produced from renewable sources and methods.

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